Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I’m a little slow to follow the next great technological breakthrough.

I never wanted a cell phone.  But a long distance relationship put a stop to that.

I didn’t need an ipod, because I had compact discs!  But then I learned that having one little music-playing tool in my car was much easier than carrying dozens of discs in my car.  (Plus, do you remember how the “Walkman” ate batteries?)

“Social media” to me meant having a conversation at a cocktail party.  I never wanted to participate on Facebook or Twitter, but then I finally had the great realization of how powerful the medium could be.  (Researchers say it’s more addictive than smoking or sex.  Whoa.)

I never wanted a smart phone.  “I have a computer at home,” I would say to myself.  “Why the hell do I need one in my hand?”  But then an iphone was placed into my sweaty palm, and I become engrossed in the power of having information at my fingertips. 

And I never wanted a blog.  Who would want to read what I have to say?  I’m no editorialist, I’m a journalist!  I’m objective!  I’m in the middle!  I report and you decide! 

But after being persuaded by some colleagues of the value of putting thoughts on world-wide-web paper, I decided to take the plunge.

So here I am.

I’m going to write as often as I can.  I’ll talk about sports, family, religion, and of course, news.  The opinions are my own, and do not reflect the feelings of my employer.  If you like what I have to say, don’t like what I have to say – let me know.  I love a good public discourse!

So welcome to Muro’s Musings.  Heaven only knows how long it will be until the NEXT big thing comes along that will take me years to accept, but for now, I’m taking a leap of faith…and writing – my way.


  1. I think a blog is actually regressive, technologically speaking, so I applaud your decision. Will you be discussing residential irrigation?

  2. Will you blog again?

    1. Just posted today! I'm hoping to average about one a week! Busy busy!
